Finally after being sick I am able to get these photos up. Thanks Bobbie for understanding and waiting an extra week to get your photos. Having an pneumonia is no fun. I had so much fun doing your photos and always love going to the gardens. I am so glad I was able to take your pictures again. Hope we can meet up once were in North Carolina. I wish you guys the best with your PCS.....
Speaking of PCSing I will be leaving island in August. After being on island for almost 6 years we will finally say goodbye to Okinawa. I don't want to leave but what can you do? It's the military life, it's what we do. Meet great people, love the area your in and then move and do it all over again. Right now I am not taking anymore sessions. I am giving recommendations for photographers if anyone is interested.
I love these shots, they came out so cute! Bobbie great idea bringing the fan!
The wait was SO worth it! You are so talented!